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Employee Experience

Turn your employees' opinions into business results.

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Opinaia is your partner in Employee Experience Management.

Through Employee Experience Management you will obtain a vision of the employee's path from the selection process, through incorporation, training, development and termination.

Forsta Technology - Smart Hub.

Team of employee experience experts.

Highly qualified Technology Team.


Valuable insights into the perception of your employees and their drivers.

Integrate all your VoE data in one place.

Generate reports, presentations and infographics that demonstrate the return on investment of any program.

Monitor results at all levels and stages of the Employee Journey Map.

Maximize your response rates and track results with your dashboard.

Turn your employees into your best allies.

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How do we deliver?

EX platform.

Data collection at physical points of interaction (QR code, totems), online (e-mail, SMS, Whatsapp, Page Reviews, Local Pages) and CRM systems such as SalesForce.

Integrated shot management.
Survey designer.
Prepared for key indicators (NPS, CSat, CES, Like / Dislike) and customized.
Analytical and predictive.
Text Analytics function based on Artificial Intelligence.
Sentiment analysis.
Custom reports.
Closing loop management.
Opinaia Comprehensive Support.
Direct monitoring by the Opinaia team of Experts.